The First Year Entrepreneur’s Job Application

Vivien Grace
The Startup
Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2019


Want to be your own boss? Apply here.

“That’s so cool that you work for yourself! I have always wanted to do that.”

This is the standard reaction when I tell people that I started my own company six years ago. It sounds liberating and glamorous, but the reality is a bit more daunting. There are roughly 329,000,000 adults in America, and around 5,000 are Entrepreneurs. So, 2 % of us.

Are you ready to become an Entrepreneur? Here is your new job description.



Vivien Grace
The Startup

Solo Female Traveler & Writer Wellness Junkie | Allergy Queen 🌎🛍️✈️ 5-Star taste on a 2-Star Budget.